Sunday, March 23, 2008

How to save manually in Penumbra Overture & Penumbra: Black Plague?

I know that part of the fun of playing "Penumbra" is not being able to save at whim, but maybe someone likes to have the option of manual saving, so here it is.

You can save the game manually at some locations in the game (at artifacts) but they are few and far between. To enable manual saving feature, follow the steps below:

I) Do the following based on your Windows:
  1. In Windows Vista, go to "C:\Users\your_username\Documents", in which your_usernam is the name of your Windows username (e.g. Alice or Jack or ...)
  2. In Windows XP, go to "C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\My Documents", in which your_usernam is the name of your Windows username (e.g. Alice or Jack or ...).

II) From there go to "Penumbra Overture\Episode1" or "Penumbra\Black Plague".

III) Here you find a file named "settings.cfg". Open it with a text editor (e.g. Wordpad) and find the line containig AllowQuickSave="false" and change it to AllowQuickSave="true". Save the file and start the game.

IV) While in game, you can quicksave by pressing the F4 button. When you do this, your data will be saved in the autosave section. (**Be careful not to press F5**)

V) So, to load your manually saved game, press Esc and go to Load Game -> Auto Saves and the topmost save is your manually saved data. (or alternatively use the F5 button to load last autosave)

We're done! Just remember that Auto Saves section has limited save slots, so save your progress wisely or copy the save folder every once in a while.


Anonymous said...

Thanks you! [RuS]

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this.

Penumbraplayer said...

Nice. Thank You ;D

محمد سعيد محروس said...

wow thanks very much but i did you know that?? :D